Don’t Panic

Tips To Keep Your Business On Track During The Lockdown


The COVID-19 pandemic has completely flipped our lives upside down, and the world of fashion is no different. Everywhere, we are seeing the virus impact. Longstanding retail stores, like Macy’s have been forced to furlough thousands of its staff, Giorgio Armani debuted his FW2020/2021 collection during Milan Fashion Week behind closed doors, and many others in the industry have been forced to deal with a number of issues, including supply chain challenges (due to the nationwide shutdown in China- a major manufacturing and production hub) and decreasing demand. After all, new clothes are the last things on anyone’s mind!


While major fashion houses might have the wherewithal to ride this wave, the fallout from this pandemic will especially impact emerging designers and small business and boutique owners. The fashion industry was already struggling to convince consumers to resume buying clothes at full price, what will that mean for smaller fashion houses and designers that can’t afford to slash their prices to even maintain market share? Even access to fabrics and materials will become challenging as much of our fabric is produced in the world’s manufacturing behemoth, China.


The truth is, none of us have any idea when we will emerge from this pandemic, and what the world will look like when we do. In the mean time, let’s stay home to try and flatten the curve, and also think of ways to emerge from this period stronger.


Create, Create, Create

We know everyone might not be in a creating mood, but the truth is, if you are a designer—creating is your happy place. Use this time to try new ideas and push your boundaries, you might create something magical.


Make Connections

Everyone is at home right now, and everyone is glued to their phones more or less. Now is the time to network and reach out to those who you’ve always wanted to collaborate with or who might be a valuable resource in helping you get your business back on track when all of this is over!


Build Your Brand

In this digital world, brand awareness is key. And this moment, where everything has slowed down is the perfect time to create content that will get your brand on everyone’s radar.



The freelance world is where it’s at, especially in these times. Join freelance platforms like Outstitched to share your skills with other fashion creatives and get some added income while we manage our current reality.